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Love Game Yaoi Roleplay for Advanced Literate Writers

Love Game Yaoi Roleplay for Advanced Literate Writers

Love Game Yaoi Roleplay for Advanced Literate Writers

About the forum: LG is designed with simplicity and organization in mind. There are boards for yaoi and non-yaoi roleplaying, plotting, character profiles, roleplayer profiles, out of character discussions and a chatroom. Note: Most roleplays will be one-on-one, but members are also welcome to organize small group roleplays if desired. About the members: LG is a forum for roleplayers who like long detailed responses, researching, character development and over all improved writing skills. We range from literate to advanced literate and replies range from about 600 to 2000 word counts. We also enjoy getting to know each other out of character and gaining new friendships. It’s all about quality over quantity. We’d much rather have fewer members that are actually active, friendly, and don’t drop off the face of the Earth without so much as a word, verses having an endless member list of people who never come back. About the rules: The rules are very basic human courtesies. We believe that a roleplaying forum should be about actually roleplaying and making friends, not about self-important mods looking to be worshiped and held above everyone else. There are no restrictions on how a person chooses to roleplay, such as shota, furries, and the like. How to Join: after entering the site, post an introduction and you will automatically gain access to the rest of the boards.

Member Since: 2014-12-09 21:31:37
Average Rating: 0 / 5
Number of Ratings: 0


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Love Game Yaoi Roleplay for Advanced Literate Writers Stats

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Highest 150 1,069 12 17 7 7
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Highest 583 3,829 35 47 16 16
Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Overall 6,611 40,675 67 82 132 150