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Duellum - Angels & Demons

Duellum - Angels & Demons

Duellum - Angels & Demons

Now with a dark/light skin toggle! The year is 2025. Los Angeles and Las Vegas have become the epicenter of the battle between angels and demons. A heavenly host of angels has been sent from Paradise to shift the scales and send evil back into the shadows. But with their arrival to earth, not all of them are able to resist the temptations of this world. Some fall themselves and are forsaken by their peers. Unfortunately for humanity, the war waged between the two sides catches mere mortals in the crossfire. Some attribute it to the apocalypse - that these are the end of days. And with the war crossing all continents, it's easy to see why. In these times everyone is prey. Entire cities are quarantined on each side and persuasion and deception influence the weakest in spirit.

Member Since: 2021-11-01 08:28:38
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