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Votes: 0
Vikings Valhalla

Vikings Valhalla is based on the fandom of Vikings and Vikings Valhalla. Odin has brought back the vikings of old because Uppsala has been destroyed and his anger can not be subsided.

Category: General
Votes: 0
sky is the limit

What happens when one lonely nerd wishes for all of their favorite characters to not only come to life, but in an entirely new world? You get Sky is the Limit. We are a canon-only, panfandom RP set in a unique AU. Check us out!

Category: General
Love Game Yaoi Roleplay for Advanced Literate Writers

About the forum: LG is designed with simplicity and organization in mind. There are boards for yaoi and non-yaoi roleplaying, plotting, character profiles, roleplayer profiles, out of character discussions and a chatroom. Note: Most roleplays will be...

Category: General
Votes: 0

A new site for play-by-post role play, with the goal of having a friendly atmosphere in which writers can create stories with one another, build new worlds, give characters a voice, or play as yourself in an alternate scenario. Unlike many other role...

Category: General
Twilight Voices - Victorian Age Vampire

Twlight Voices is a Victorian Age Vampire play-by-post game set in York, England in 1880. This is primarily a creative writing forum, but we use the Vampire:the Masquerade 3rd Edition rules with the addition of the Victorian Age core book. If...

Category: General
Votes: 0
Bleeding Love

Bleeding Love is a role play forum based off of the daytime drama, General Hospital and while the powers that be of this decades long show have dabbled in some pretty interesting story-lines, the members of bleeding love strive to go above and beyond...

Category: General
Votes: 0
Role Play Hell

Role Play Hell is a community of writers that have forsaken restraint and tradition for the fun of Hell! Community members are offered a place to write whatever they want across a diverse palette of forums dedicated to an array of writing styles. An...

Category: General
Votes: 0
Arrow RP

Arrow RP is a ning based site. It's an active and friendly chat & Forum RP with a team of admins there to help you as soon as you join!

Category: General
Votes: 0
Viridis Region

Welcome to the Viridis Region! A freeform/sandbox Pokemon RP forum A region where you can be one with nature itself, meet new friends human and Pokemon alike! Explore it in its glory, from tundras, forest, volcanoes and islands! Your Pokemon adventure...

Category: General
Votes: 0
Lost in Eternity

Lost in Eternity is a variety RP site where you can RP just about anything you've ever dreamed. With sections based on fandoms and original ideas, we have a little something for everyone

Category: General
World Wrestling Entertainment: Best For Business

World Wrestling Entertainment: Best for Business is a new fed that has opened its doors up... We pride ourselves in being a family and we are set in the modern era, only there is a twist, it is actually the modern day Attitude Era, so come join the...

Category: General
Votes: 0
Common Skies

Somebody is taking people. Sapient beings across the infinite worlds are being snatched from their lives and dropped unceremoniously into this impossible wilderness. A never-ending desert rings the oasis of ever-changing biomes, offering unique arenas...

Category: General
Amor Fati: A Purgatory Roleplay

Characters are the souls of those trapped in purgatory, each one gaining some sort of supernatural power as a consequence of entering this warped reality. Characters may or may not know they are dead, they may appear at a different age than that of which...

Category: General
Votes: 0
Sakka No Rakuen

A writing community not tied down by limitations. Looking for a place to escape to create some wonderful stories? Look no further.

Category: General
Votes: 0
Dyster Stad Project

The Dyster Stad Project is a Unmoderated Chat and Forum base site intended to probe deeply into the development of fictional characters, particularly White Wolf World of Darkness characters. Loosely based around the setting of New York City and...

Category: General
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